Cancer symptoms what are the five symptoms a person may experience if they have cancer

Cancer symptoms what are the five symptoms a person may experience if they have cancer

The number of cancer patients is increasing continuously all over the world. The main cause of cancer is said to be bad lifestyle and eating habits. One thing that is often said about cancer is that it is not only fatal but also an incurable disease. But one dangerous thing about this disease is that when cancer starts in someone’s body, that is, when cancer is in its first stage, its symptoms appear on the body, which we often ignore.

15 common symptoms of cancer

Doctors always say that what people ignore considering it a minor symptom, later it is found out that it is the initial symptoms of cancer and later it becomes fatal. Today through this article we will talk in detail about the initial symptoms of cancer which people often ignore considering it minor. Today we will talk about such 15 common symptoms of cancer which need attention.

Early symptoms of cancer

Symptoms of cervical and ovarian cancer

If a woman or girl is noticing unusually frequent changes in her periods, then she should consult a doctor immediately. Because ignoring it can be dangerous. These can be early symptoms of cervical cancer.

Symptoms of colon, prostate cancer

If there are frequent changes in bathroom habits, then this could be an early symptom of colon and prostate cancer.

Ovarian Cancer

Stomach bloating, heaviness, if this is happening repeatedly in a week then it can be the early symptoms of ovarian cancer.

breast cancer

If a person experiences changes in the breast, heaviness, lump, change in colour of the nipple, changes in the nipple, discharge, then these could be early symptoms of breast cancer.

Lung Cancer

If a person has been coughing for a long time and it is not stopping, then he should immediately consult a doctor. Also, if a person has a dry cough, then it can be an early symptom of lung cancer or TB.

Brain Tumor

If you are having persistent headache or if this pain has been going on for a long time, then it could be an early symptom of brain tumor.

Stomach cancer or throat cancer

If you are having difficulty in swallowing food, water or anything else, then it could be stomach and throat cancer.

Blood Cancer

If a lot of blue patches are seen on the thigh or the body or it seems like an injury mark, then these can be the early symptoms of blood cancer.

Frequent fever or infection

If you are getting fever or infection frequently then these could be early symptoms of leukemia cancer.

Oral Cancer

If you have mouth ulcers for a long time or you get ulcers frequently, then these can be early signs of oral cancer. People who smoke are at a higher risk of oral cancer.

If bleeding is still happening even after menopause, you cannot take it as normal. This can be the initial symptoms of uterine and cervical cancer. The initial symptoms of cancer are also such that sudden weight gain or loss, sometimes lack of appetite, hair loss, all these can be the initial symptoms of cancer.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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